10th EHFCN Conference Athens 2014
The European Healthcare Fraud & Compliance Network will hold its 10th conference at the Divani Palace Hotel in Athens on […]
The European Healthcare Fraud & Compliance Network will hold its 10th conference at the Divani Palace Hotel in Athens on […]
We are very pleased to announce the Gabor Danielfy Scholarship in Healthcare Compliance and Ethics Mission Seton Hall Law School, […]
We are very pleased to announce the Gabor Danielfy Scholarship in Healthcare Compliance and Ethics Mission Seton Hall Law School, […]
Dear ETHICS Members and Partners, Here comes the time for our Association Membership renewals for the 2014 calendar year ! Please […]
We are pleased to announce that our annual General Assembly meeting for 2014 will be held at our Paris headquarters […]
We are pleased to announce that the documents from our General Assembly, held in London on 26th September 2013, have […]
ETHICS Society is pleased to announce that its members can gain a 15% discount on the attendee price for C5’s […]
We wish to confirm that our next General Assembly will take place on Thursday , September 26 , 2013 in LONDON at CLIFFORD CHANCE Offices (10 Upper Bank Street). The meeting will go from 9 am to 5 pm. Please block this date on your Agenda.
Article by Dr. Peter Dieners Lawyer and Partner Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf
New Decree Relating to the Transparency Law n 2011-2012 of 29 December 2011 Olivier Gaillard Counsel, Clifford Chance
Dear ETHICS member, Let me first,on behalf of our Board of Directors,wish for you and your families a Very Happy and Healthy New year, full of joy,success and …ethics in your professional and personal life.When we look back at 2012,we have many reasons to be very proud of what we have collectively achieved in just a few months - and you also have reasons to be impatient to see more results and actions.